
Each month, ALOM supply chain subject matter experts take a look at events, trends and technology shaping the industry and offer thought-provoking opinion and well-considered insight to help bring clarity and greater awareness of key issues.

The NEW Definition of Supply Chain Disruption

Hannah Kain - June 19, 2019

In the old days, meaning up to year 2018, most supply chain professors would have simply answered that a disruption occurred when product was not …

Between the links

A Different Path to Agility

Hannah Kain - May 17, 2019

Lettuce has traditionally been the poster child for the need for velocity and agility in the supply chain. Food and certain pharmaceuticals require velocity – …

Supply chain fabric roll materials

REAL Supply Chain Competitive Advantage – Staff Experience and Commitment

Hannah Kain - April 15, 2019

It is hard to remember when I was ever more proud in my life. This past month an ALOM staff member was named the 2019 …

Lisa Dolan on SDCE cover

Visibility into Supply Chain Business Intelligence

Hannah Kain - February 26, 2019

I could not help contemplating the high fives going around at United Airlines headquarters for meeting their luggage delivery KPI goals. I was recently at …

ALOM BI dashboard user interface

Data is King – or Maybe Not?

Hannah Kain - January 3, 2019

More data is better, right? Perhaps not, and that’s an important consideration for supply chain pros as we are being overwhelmed with data that distracts …

Technology data stock image

2019 Supply Chain Predictions – Break Out The Antacid

Hannah Kain - December 13, 2018

This New Year break out the antacid to supplement the champagne: 2019 will be a year of unprecedented uncertainty for supply chain professionals, and really …

US and China diagram