ALOM’s “Road To Net Zero” Wins SDCE’s Top Supply Chain Projects Award

June 14, 2023

Supply chain leader demonstrates how measuring and reporting GHG emissions advance sustainability and uphold ESG values

ALOM, a leader in global supply chain management, has been named a winner of the 2023 Top Supply Chain Projects Award by Supply & Demand Chain Executive. The company is being recognized for its Road To Net Zero (RTNZ), the greenhouse gas emission (GHG) measurement and reporting structure put in place to verify progress in achieving net zero carbon neutrality by 2030.

“ALOM’s Road to Net Zero ushers in a new phase of accountability that openly demonstrates the impact of our carbon reduction actions to mitigate global warming,” said Hannah Kain, President and CEO of ALOM. “Beyond the results we achieve internally and on behalf of our customers, we share this information to serve as a roadmap for other supply chain organizations. We believe our actions demonstrate to the broader industry, even at this time when some corporations seem to be pulling back on ESG, how we can work together to win this fight for our future.”

Over the last two years ALOM has invested in rigorous certifications, best-in-class partnerships, and innovative programs to achieve significant GHG reduction outcomes. In addition to using 100% renewable energy at all its U.S. facilities, the company has accelerated initiatives including supply base near-sourcing, freight reduction, packaging sustainability, and product lifecycle optimization.

“We are enormously proud of this program because it touches every facet of our operations,” stated ALOM COO Brandon Marugg. “R2NZ extends upstream and downstream to seamlessly integrate with supplier and customer systems, track the impacts of their actions, and build in processes for zero waste product lifecycles. Ultimately, this develops an ecosystem of customers, suppliers and employees all working together to achieve a shared objective.”

Among the elements of this program that other companies can adopt:

  1. Be ISO-14064-1 certified to ensure transparency in measuring and reporting category 1-4 GHG. ALOM’s GHG emissions are measured and reported as part of its annual ISO-14064-1 certification audit.
  2. Be an EPA Green Power Partner. ALOM applied and was accepted for its verified CO2 emission reduction through the use of renewable energy.
  3. Adopt SBTi (Science Based Targets) supporting the corporate net-zero standard framework for setting targets to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.


ALOM has advanced measurable initiatives to reduce GHG. Among them:

  1. Supplier near-sourcing to reduce freight distances by 25% annually by establishing a physical footprint of all ALOM suppliers within 100 miles of a production or fulfillment facility.
  2. Multi-faceted approaches to material recycling and reuse. In 2022, ALOM recycled 580 tons of corrugate, saving 9,860 trees from being felled and eliminating 580 tons of CO2 emissions that would have been generated by manufacturing the same amount of cardboard from virgin trees.
  3. Re-engineered Returns Management System launched this year to reduce landfill disposal by replacing, reconfiguring, or processing electronic waste for reuse and recycling.


Adding to its goal of transparency and community engagement, ALOM annually publishes its own ESG report, which is not required for a privately-held company and is a corporate member of the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council.

“From demand planning and forecasting to implementing the ultimate in warehouse automation, the past 12 months has seen companies within the supply chain and logistics space upgrade, enhance, adopt and adapt in order to achieve greater efficiency along the chain,” says Marina Mayer, Editor-in-Chief of Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics. “That’s why it’s important today’s supply chains run on collaboration.”

“Companies partnered to implement each others’ software and technology and work smarter, together. And, it’s these partnerships that have enabled many supply chain organizations to better manage inventory, reduce costs, retain employees, track data and analytics and build resilience for whatever disruptions may lie ahead.” Mayer adds.

About ALOM

ALOM is a global supply chain management services and solutions provider serving as a partner to its Fortune 100 customers in the technology, automotive, government, medical, telecommunications, and utility/energy sectors.

Headquartered in Fremont, CA, its expert team of strategists, technology engineers, and supply chain specialists operate globally from 19 locations. ALOM supply chain service offerings include procurement, ecommerce, inventory, assembly, digital media duplication, print management, fulfillment, IT and visibility tools, logistics management, and operations. ALOM is proud to deliver its customers’ products and services impeccably, enrich the end-user experience, and uphold their brand reputations.